In view of the backward status of monitoring-control systems for safety production in coal mines, the paper presents the design of a new monitoring-control system for such a purpose. 针对当前煤矿安全监测手段落后的现状,设计了一种煤矿安全生产视频监控系统。
Backward production system for robot problem solving 关于机器人问题求解的逆向产生式系统
Backward production methods, conservative politics and culture and an age-old tradition are the main reasons for the continual of Chinese autocratic monarchy system. 落后的生产方式、保守的政治文化和悠久的历史传统,是中国君主专制制度长期延续的重要原因。
Through an audiovisual tree diagram on the screen, it is realized the unification of backward and forward production system, semantic network, neuron network, frame structure, management of knowledge library, and arithmatic expressions tree. 它以直观的屏幕树图为媒介,实现了正、反向推理机、语义网络、神经元网络、框架结构、知识库管理和算术表达式树图等整体宏观统一;
As domestic production equipment and technology is relatively backward, the gap with the developed countries in the lens center thickness detection, it affected the production quality of the optical system seriously. 由于国内企业生产设备与工艺相对落后,在透镜中心厚度的检测上与发达国家差距较大,严重影响了光学系统产品的生产质量。